Thousands of job seekers rely on TechLeaks's reviews and other user-submitted content to find jobs and companies they love. Please follow these guidelines to ensure everyone can benefit from a helpful, balanced, and authentic community.
- Your review should be truthful and constitute your own personal opinion and experience with your current or former employer. We don’t take sides when it comes to factual disputes, so we expect you to stand behind your statements expressed in your content.
- Each individual should submit only one review, per employer, per year, per review type (e.g. company review, interview review, salary review, benefit review, etc.) Your content should be related to jobs you have held (or interviews you have had) within the last five years so it’s relevant to today’s job seeker.
- We encourage you to think about work from a few perspectives and include both a pro and a con to provide a balanced review. While not required, we do believe balanced reviews make for a better community experience.
- We allow reviews that name individuals in the highest positions in a company who have broad influence over the work environment, as long as the review describes the individual’s behaviour or performance at work. Individuals in this category include those who are the public face of the company (C-Suite, Executive Director, President, Owner, Founder, etc.) We believe this information is generally representative of a company’s culture and can be informative to job candidates.
We do not allow reviews that include negative comments about identifiable individuals outside of this group.
- We realise talking about work can get emotionally charged, but we don't approve reviews that include certain profanities, threats of violence, or discriminatory language targeted at an individual or group. We may allow reviews that mention race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation and the like if we believe the comment is used to describe a workplace situation. General discussions of workplace misconduct are allowed, including most discussions of illegal activities, discrimination, and sexual harassment.
- We do not accept reviews that reveal confidential, non-public internal company information. We consider this to include: source code, customer lists, manufacturing techniques, R∓D activities, budgets, detailed financial results and technical know-how.
- To safeguard privacy, we do not allow you to identify yourself or include any contact information (about yourself or others) in your posts.
- TechLeaks is about sharing information that helps the entire community. We reject reviews that do not relate to an employer, are only a review of the product or service, or are otherwise not relevant to understanding a workplace culture. We will reject any content meant as an advertisement or containing a web link.
- All reviews should be original – no substantial quoted material from other sources, including (but not limited to) websites, e-mail correspondence, other reviews, etc.
- Your writing doesn't have to be perfect, but we need to be able to understand it. We reject reviews for excessive capitalisation or filler words/characters. And remember, your review will be more credible if you use good grammar, spelling and punctuation.